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Leveraging High Search Engine Rankings to Court Prospective Sellers

Real Estate Agents are always on the lookout for innovative ways to stand out from competitors and court more clients. While there are several tactics you can utilize, one that is often overlooked is leveraging your high search engine rankings. If you can show potential sellers that you have a solid digital presence and can provide their property with maximum exposure, they are more likely to choose you over other agents. In this blog, we will discuss how you can use good SEO rankings as a selling tactic to court prospective sellers and differentiate yourself from other agents.

Tips to Leverage High Ranking as a Selling Tactic

1) Understand the Perception Game: Perception is often crucial in real estate. Clients want to work with someone they view as successful, knowledgeable, and competent. Therefore, having a high search engine ranking is essential in presenting your business as a reputable and trustworthy one. When clients research online to find an agent, they often start with a Google search. If your business appears on the first page, it conveys a message that you are a market leader in your niche. You can leverage this perception by highlighting your SEO rankings and explaining how it benefits their property.

2) Add SEO Rankings to your Pitch Deck: A pitch deck is an excellent way to showcase your real estate business to potential clients. It’s a visual representation of your value proposition that can leave a lasting impression on them. As part of your pitch deck, you need to showcase your SEO rankings. Elaborate on traffic, search volume, and keyword positioning that contributes to your high ranking. Explain how it means more eyeballs on their property. It’s essential to be transparent with clients, and highlighting your SEO ranking is a great way to do so.

3) Walk through Comprehensive Research: Once you have a lead, take the time to research their property and the current market. This research can help you understand where your SEO strengths lie and how you can leverage them to meet the needs of potential sellers. For example, if a lead is selling a luxury condo, you can use long-tail search queries such as “luxury condos for sale in ______ location.” This way, buyers looking for luxury listings are more likely to come across their listing. This approach will put you in a strong position as a real estate agent.

4) Invest in an Up-to-Date Website: Having a well-designed website with updated content can help you improve your SEO rankings. Google uses various algorithms to evaluate websites across multiple factors such as content, format, and user experience. If your website offers a poor user experience, is slow, or lacks sufficient content, Google is unlikely to rank it highly. Ensure that your website is mobile responsive, has up-to-date content, and is easy to navigate to improve your rankings.

5) Optimize Google My Business Listing: Ensuring that your Google My Business (GMB) listing is up to date and optimized can help boost your local SEO. Potential sellers will see additional information about your business, such as contact information, reviews, and photos. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on your GMB listing.


In conclusion, leveraging high search engine rankings can be an excellent tactic to court potential prospective sellers. By highlighting your SEO rankings, you can put yourself in a strong position as a real estate agent. The perception of a market leader you develop can help attract clients who are in search of a trustworthy brand. Be transparent with your SEO rankings, showcase them to potential clients as part of your pitch deck, and ensure that your website and Google My Business listings are up to date and optimized. By doing so, you will be differentiating yourself from other real estate agents and increase your chances of attracting more clients.